We pray for the following men/ministries during our corporate supplication on most Sunday mornings and we send different levels of financial support to each group on a monthly basis:
Doug Nunziato with MATA prepares future overseas missionary pilots both technically and spiritually. Click here to read Doug and Amy’s most recent newsletter.
David Harsh Ministries shares God’s truth and love through original Christian music as well as develops guitarists, worship leaders, and songwriters throughout the country.
Antioch Adoptions in Redmond, WA, assists Christian parents from foster care licensing to adoption finalization. They also provide support for women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and assist parents wishing to adopt.
i2 Ministries works to finish the Great Commission among Muslims under the direction of Joshua Lingel.
Project92 plants churches and trains pastors in India under the direction of Matthew Smith. (We would be glad to say more about this in personal conversation rather than risk the safety of the workers.)
Read about our Outreach Principles here.