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As with everything other than the Bible itself (and of course Christians even argue about the “right” translation of the Bible), all good things aren’t inspired so they should be received with both thanks and wisdom. Can you be edified, in fact, can you be easily edified? Hopefully.

Even with the sinful divisions in Corinth, as believers made factions according to their favorite preacher of the cross, Paul’s main strategy was not to narrow their focus but to expand it.

So let no one boast in men. For all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, and you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s. (1 Corinthians 3:21–23 ESV)

Because we are God’s, we get all the good and lawful things He gives. Be edified!


From those within the TEC flock:

From those outside TEC that regularly bless our flock:


  • Sean has a blog - tohuvabohu - where he usually posts the weekly confession exhortations and communion meditations, as well as book reviews and other thoughts.
  • Jonathan and Sonja have a site - Practical Stewardship - not as frequently updated anymore, but with lots of good, everegreen content.
  • Ryan has a blog - Growing in Faith - and he regularly posts what he gleaned from Sunday servives along with other
  • Philip has a blog - Green Leaves in Mirkwood - where he writes on a variety of subjects.


On church and discipleship

On Bible and Theology

On Prayer

On Worldview

On family

On Evangelism and Missions

On the Christian Life

On Education