
We believe that elders are pastors are overseers, the words are synonmys for the same role throughout the New Testament. We believe in the plurality of elders, and we don’t recognize a distinction between “staff” and “lay” elders. Though the elders at TEC are (very) different in personality and have various interests and spiritual giftedness, we don’t have a “senior pastor” or “lead pastor” or any other nomenclature used in many churches today.

We heartly recommend Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch from which we pattern much of our elder roles and responsibilities. We’ve also taught about the qualifications for elders from Titus 1:5-9 which is available in Part 1 and Part 2.

Here’s a brief introduction to each elder in order of oldest to youngest.

David Light

Dave has loved the Lord since his late 30s. From the time of his conversion to Christ he’s thrown himself into Bible study and life on life discipleship. He and his wife, Gale, have been married for 53 years. They’ve got two grown and baptized and married children, four grand-children, and two great-grandsons. Dave has been serving as an elder at TEC since the start of the church. Email Dave

Jim Martin

Jim turned to Christ by faith alone out of his family’s Roman Catholicism and has been leading as an elder for over 40 years, including serving in that role at TEC since the start. He and his wife, Gail, have been married for 43 years. They’ve got four grown and baptized and married children along with fourteen grand-children. Jim helps us express our loves through budgets, and coordinates a lot of the building projects. Email Jim

Sean Higgins

Sean first had the desire to be a pastor before his senior year of high school in 1991. He went to three different Bible colleges and then graduated from The Master’s Seminary. He and his wife, Mo, have four believing and baptized children, the oldest of whom is married with two sons of her own. Sean’s role includes having his mouth open a lot, and is regularly helping lead the liturgical charge during Lord’s Day worship through the ministry of the Word. Email Sean

Jonathan Sarr

Jonathan and his wife, Sonja, have one graduated and baptized daughter, two baptized highschoolers, and an almost kindergarten-aged daughter. Jonathan’s role includes leading the musical/singing parts of our liturgical charge each Lord’s Day, and his pastoral assignment includes being the Headmaster of Evangel Classical School. Jonathan has been serving as elder at TEC since 2012. Email Jonathan

Philip Kulishov

Philip and his wife, Nellya, have been married for almost 12 years, with two young, baptized sons and a younger daughter. Philip’s day job includes oversight of manufacturing companies, managerial training, and enculturation efforts. Philip has finished his year of testing and is in line to be affirmed as an elder in 2024. Email Philip

Read about our annual Elders Affirmation Process here