Titus 2

Taking its name from Titus 2:3-5, this meeting is for women to encourage other women to grow in Christlikeness, especially in their roles in the household.

Titus 2 meets on the first Monday of the month, 7:00pm at the church.

All ladies, Junior High and up, are welcome.

The Titus 2 group is overseen by the elders, which is the higher level application of the Scripture as Paul wrote to Titus in order to “teach what accords with sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1). Though we’ve only had a couple events with elders actually present, most of the elders’ wives participate. Of course, being an elders’ wife isn’t an official office, it’s just a help for sake of elders knowing what’s happening.

If Facebook is a service you use, search for the “Trinity Evangel Titus 2” group and request to join.

Schedule for 2023-24

March 4 - Reading/discussing A Small Cup of Light by Ben Palpant

April 1 - Canceled for Spring Break

May 6 - A few ladies will be giving their testimonies

June 3 - Death by Living by N.D. Wilson, chapters 1-8