June Life Jubilee

Celebrating Life with Singing and Feasting
Sunday, June 23rd, 6:00pm
Comeford Park in front of City Hall
514 Delta Ave, Marysville, WA 98270

While June is the month that Saboteurs Against God have chosen to flaunt their pride, even attempting to usurp the sign of the rainbow to mock His covenant mercy, Providence is still in charge. Just shy of the 50th anniversary of the tyranny of Roe v. Wade, our Lord granted relief to our nation with the Dobbs v. Jackson court decision on June 24th, 2022 - taking the murder of the unborn out of the hands of the Federal Government, and giving that decision back to the states.

By God’s mercy, “Pride Month” has become Life Month. Life always wins.

We acknowledge that there is still much work before us to end the murder of babies in our nation, and specifically in our home state of Washington. Our State Government is proud in their reverence of death. But we not only want to celebrate the merciful victory that God has already gifted us - however incremental, we also believe that at the front of the battle line we are to have songs of worship leading the way. Yes, we are to fight. But we are to do so with singing and feasting - accomplishing both honor to God and mockery of our enemy.

With that, we are celebrating June Life Jubilee again this year - on the 2nd anniversary of Dobbs v. Jackson. We will gather on Sunday, June 23rd at 6:00pm at Comeford Park in front of Marysville City Hall. We will sing in celebration, pray for God’s outpouring of mercy on our State, and then feast together. Food will be provided, which we hope to share with all the hungry at the park. Pork butt and Mac & Cheese is on the menu, all thanks to Grant and Becca Weinberg.

We hope to see you all there.