
as of September 5, 2024

Donuts and Coffee - Sunday, 9/8, 9:00 AM

Men to MenMeat Eat - Monday, 9/9, 7:00 PM at TEC

Homeschool Choir - Wednesday, 9/11, 3:15 PM at TEC. Kindergarten Classroom. For more details contact Anna Liden.

Comeford College Community Choir - Begins Thursday, 9/12, 7:00-8:30 PM at TEC. For more details contact Sonja Sarr.

  • And there will be a C4 potluck Sunday, 9/8, 6:00 PM at the Sarrs, to celebrate last year and kick start this new semester, so basically everyone who participated last year or plans to participate this year is invited including their families. Everyone bring a main, plus last names beginning with A-H: bring side, I-R: bring drinks, S-Z: bring dessert.

Homeschoolers Get-Together - Friday, 9/13, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Kelly Bone’s house. For more details contact Kelly Bone.

50+ Ladies - Friday, 9/13, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM at TEC. For more details contact Gale Light or RuthAnn Hoeglund.